Monday, January 07, 2008

Christmas is Over

Why does it seem that weekends go by faster than the other days of the week? I think we need to have a 3rd day added to the weekend for relaxation purposes.
fight that
Saturday I woke up around 9:00 which is much later than normal but had to get ready for a trip to Softball E's pitching practice. After returning home we spent the day packing up Christmas decorations. The weather was perfect with a temperature in the high 40s but the melting snow was a bit tough to deal with. The ladder held very well but I kept waiting for it to slid out from under me. I also had the chance to show my son how to make snow balls and had an impromptu fight. It is really fun having a snowball fight knowing that you are not going to get hit with anything painful. Anyway, I beat him and finished pulling down the numerous lights that surrounded my house earlier that day.

After the outside stuff was finished, we went to dinner with the in-laws. It was my father-in-laws's birthday and so we always go to dinner at Applebee's because the kids like going there so much. I had a couple of mucho margaritas with my dinner and headed home for the night. I fired up the $5 razz mtt which you can read about here and and played the PLO deepstack to a virtual bubble spot.

This PLO tourney was about as card dead as yo can be in Omaha. Yes I said card dead in Omaha. I stayed near my starting stack for much of the early going and doubled up at some point when I tried to steal vs. someone elses AAxx. I had KQJ9 double suited and flopped a straight that held up. I run good some times. Anyway, I stayed out of peoples way with a few steals here and there until I tripled up when I flopped a straight draw/flush draw and hit pay dirt again. I couldn't get lucky though in the end as I ran into the powerful AT88. My KK55 was no good vs. his quad aces and I went home just short of the money.

Sunday, being the day of rest, was spent driving my daughter to practice, coming home and watching a little football, and going to a meeting that didn't want to end. It was a long evening and I may write about it a little later but it will take some effort so we will see.

That's it for today...Have a great day.

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